STEP into development and discovery of you and what you impact 


The 2024 Discovery & Development Hike

Embracing the Power of Good Conversation and Good Boundaries Amidst Nature's Splendor

Dates: Mid-May to End of June 2024

Focus: The Power of Good Conversation

Location: Denmark

Participation: 20 days

Distance: 600Km

What is a Good Conversation?

A good conversation is an engaging exchange that involves active listening, empathy, and mutual respect. It's about creating a space where ideas can be shared openly and participants feel valued and heard. In such conversations, each person contributes and learns, fostering understanding and connection.


What are Good Boundaries?

Good boundaries refer to the limits we set to protect our emotional, mental, and physical well-being. They involve communicating our needs and preferences clearly and respecting those of others. In conversations, good boundaries help maintain a healthy balance between sharing and listening, ensuring a respectful and safe environment for all participants.


Keys for Good Conversation and Boundaries: 

  1. Self-Awareness: This involves a deep understanding of your own emotions, thoughts, and values. It's about recognizing how these personal elements influence your interactions and conversations. In the context of boundaries, self-awareness helps you identify your comfort zones, limits, and triggers, enabling you to communicate your boundaries clearly and understand those of others.
  2. Self-Management: This is the ability to regulate your emotions and responses, especially in dynamic conversational settings. It involves maintaining a constructive attitude, being mindful of the impact of your words and actions, and respecting both your own boundaries and those of others. Effective self-management ensures that conversations remain respectful and within agreed limits, preventing overstepping or neglecting personal boundaries.

Integrating Conversation and Boundaries with Hiking:

Our hikes provide a unique setting for practicing these skills. As we walk through nature's beauty, we encourage participants to engage in meaningful conversations, being mindful of their own boundaries and those of others. The tranquility of the natural environment fosters a sense of openness and reflection, making it an ideal backdrop for practicing self-awareness and self-management.


Why Hiking?

Hiking in nature offers a break from daily distractions, allowing for clearer focus on the present moment, the conversation, and personal boundaries. The physical activity of hiking promotes mental clarity and well-being, enhancing the quality of interactions and the ability to maintain healthy boundaries.

Join us in STEP2 as we embark on a journey of discovery through nature's paths. Together, we'll explore the art of conversation, the importance of boundaries, and the beauty of the natural world, all while fostering personal growth and connection.

Hello world
Hello world
Hello world
Hello world
Hello world
Hello world
Hello world
Hello world


What we did in the: 2023 Discovery & Development 

Doing Discovery & development

Dates: June–July 2023


Location: The Pyrenees GR10 trail 

Participation: 42 days of hiking

Distance: 1000km 

"What is important to you/me?"

Most of us cannot give answer to this question when we are in the hamster-wheel, especially if we have been there for a long time and in high speed. The answers to this question, for some, calls for taking different STEPs in order (re)-discover the answers and develop those answers which then opens the possibility for you to become more fully you.

Your Important STEPs

We propose STEP discovery and development. We do not contest to have the best or smartest way. We promise an evidence based and pragmatic-experienced based approach - where you STEP's will create discovery and development.

The spiral STEPs are: 1. That you make up your mind. Do you want to this?, is the timing right?, where are you with your life and people around you? 2. If yes, then it is about preparing your mind and your body. What mindset will you step on to the trail with? and what body-readiness do want? and what is realistic for you? 3. What gear do you want to bring? is weight, comfort, look or a combination important to you? 4.& 5. How often do you want to step in and out of the trail? What flexibility and discipline are important for you?

We encourage you contentiously: Emotionally, mindset wise and bodily to STEP IN, STEP BACK, STEP UP and STEP BEYOND. This will enable you to recognize who you are, to observe yourself with compassion and a non-judgemental approach, to be curious and seek understanding of you - start shaping what is important to you, to invite in and say goodbye to - shaping what you can and will be.

Typically, you will find what is important to you where you find or grow: That you are strong, experience being well, are able to influence or be influenced, find or create meaning, have effect or impact on yourself and the world around you. Where you find what is of value to you.

With this newfound and developed importance you do not only reach you self but you also reaches the world around you - your steps resonates, you have created a vibrating vitality tread between your inside, outside and the world.

You can read the full article with references here 

Steps are simple and hiking is discovery and development

We are fond of Complex adaptive systems

Hello world